Good Afternoon Chipman Families, It is Ms. Wright with the highlights for the week of January 24th. Second marking period report cards will be available via Home Access Center tomorrow, Monday January 24th. Just a friendly reminder if your child is not feeling well or awaiting COVID test results, please err on the side of caution and keep them home. We hope that you enjoy the remainder of your weekend and look forward to seeing students bright and early on Monday morning.
about 3 years ago, W. T. Chipman Middle School
Good Afternoon Chipman Families, It is Ms. Wright with the highlights for the week of January 17th. The end of the second marking period was Friday, January 14th. There is no school for students on Monday, January 17th in observance of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Day and no school on Tuesday, January 18th for District Professional Development. Students will return to school on Wednesday, January 19th which also the start of the 3rd marking period. Starting the 3rd marking period, WTC will make an adjustment to student schedules. This adjustment is being done to help our students manage their days, workload, and the number of books/materials they must carry. Students will no longer go A-Day/B-Day for Science and Social Studies classes. They will instead have Science and Social Studies quarterly. This means that whatever class the student has on the schedule for A-Days will be their class for the 3rd marking period. Just a friendly reminder if your child is not feeling well or awaiting COVID test results, please err on the side of caution and keep them home. We hope that you enjoy the remainder of your weekend and look for forward to seeing students bright and early on Wednesday morning.
about 3 years ago, W. T. Chipman Middle School
Good Afternoon Chipman Families, It is Ms. Wright with the highlights for the week of January 10th. We are quickly approaching the end of the second marking period on Friday, January 14th. Students, please take the time this week to ensure all work is completed and turned in to your teachers prior to Friday. Just a friendly reminder if your child is not feeling well, please err on the side of caution and keep them home. All games scheduled for January 10th have been postponed. We hope that you enjoy the remainder of your weekend and look for forward to seeing students bright and early on Monday morning.
about 3 years ago, W. T. Chipman Middle School
Good Afternoon Chipman Families, It is Ms. Wright with the highlights for the week of January 3rd. We hope everyone had a safe and restful break and a great start to 2022. As we are coming back from break, we just want to provide a few reminders. If your child is not feeling well, please err on the side of caution and keep them home. Secondly, please make sure that you have proper photo identification when picking up your child early, as you will be asked to show your identification. Winter sports will be back in action this week with an away game for our Chipman Boys and Girls Basketball teams and a home meet for our Chipman Wrestling team. We hope that you enjoy the remainder of your weekend and look for forward to seeing students and staff bright and early on Monday morning.
about 3 years ago, W. T. Chipman Middle School
Good Afternoon Chipman Families, It is Ms. Wright with the highlights for the week of December 20th. We have made it to Winter Break we only have three days of school this week. On Wednesday, December 22nd we will have our PBS Event and Raffle. Students and staff will be on Winter Break from Thursday, December 23rd until January 2nd. Also, a reminder please take a moment to join our school wide ClassDojo to stay connected and receive the latest news, information, and updates directions can be found on Chipman’s website if you are still having trouble connecting to our ClassDojo please contact admin directly via email. We hope that you enjoy the remainder of your weekend, and on behalf of the Chipman admin team we wish everyone a safe and Happy Holiday.
about 3 years ago, W. T. Chipman Middle School
Good Afternoon Chipman Families, It is Ms. Wright with the highlights for the week of December 13th. We have eight school days left until Winter Break. Winter Sports are in full swing, however due to COVID restrictions and the limited spacing in the gym, we are asking that only immediate family attend at this time to ensure all athletes have family representation. During all sporting events mask will be required and you will not be able to enter the gym without a mask. Students will not be permitted to attend this week’s games as we continue to assess the spacing and seating available, but we will be implementing a ticket system for future games to ensure our students are able to support their classmates. Also, a reminder please take a moment to join our school wide ClassDojo to stay connected and receive the latest news, information, and updates directions can be found on Chipman’s website if you are still having trouble connecting to our ClassDojo please contact admin directly via email. We hope that you enjoy the remainder of your weekend, and we look forward to seeing students bright and early on Monday morning.
about 3 years ago, W. T. Chipman Middle School
Good afternoon Chipman Families, It is Ms. Wright with the highlights for the week of December 6th. We are already at the halfway point for the second marking period and interims will be available via Home Access Center on Thursday, December 9th. Winter Sports will begin their respective seasons on tomorrow December 6th. Due to COVID restrictions and the limited spacing in the gym, we are asking that only immediate family attend at this time to ensure all athletes have family representation. During all sporting events mask will be required and you will not be able to enter the gym without a mask. Students will not be permitted to attend this week’s games as we assess the spacing and seating available, but we will be implementing a ticket system for future games to ensure our students are able to support their classmates. Our Winter Concert will be Tuesday, December 7th in the Lake Forest High School Auditorium. The concert begins at 6:00pm with our chorus and will be followed by our band. Please arrive at the assigned times and mask are required for this event. Also, a reminder please take a moment to join our school wide ClassDojo to stay connected and receive the latest news, information, and updates directions can be found on Chipman’s website if you are still having trouble connecting to our ClassDojo please contact admin directly via email. We hope that you enjoy the remainder of your weekend, and we look forward to seeing students bright and early on Monday morning.
about 3 years ago, W. T. Chipman Middle School
Good Afternoon Chipman Families, It is Ms. Wright with the highlights for the week of November 29th. We welcome back our students and staff, and we hope everyone had a safe, restful, and happy Thanksgiving break. Can you believe we are getting ready to go into the month of December where has the year gone? As we enter December, please mark your calendars as Winter Sports will begin their respective seasons on December 6th and we will be having our Winter Concert on December 7th at 6:00pm at the Lake Forest High School. Also, a reminder please take a moment to join our school wide ClassDojo to stay connected and receive the latest news, information, and updates directions can be found on Chipman’s website. If you are having trouble joining please contact the main office or email admin. We hope that you enjoy the remainder of your weekend, and we look forward to seeing students bright and early on Monday morning.
over 3 years ago, W. T. Chipman Middle School
Good afternoon Chipman Families, It is Ms. Wright with the highlights for the week of November 22nd. On behalf of Chipman admin and staff we wish everyone a safe and Happy Thanksgiving. Parent conferences will be held tomorrow Monday, November 22nd from 12:30 to 7:30pm via Zoom or phone. Also, there will be no school for students the week of November 22nd. Just a reminder please take a moment to join our school wide ClassDojo to stay connected and receive the latest news, information, and updates directions can be found on Chipman’s website. We hope that you enjoy the remainder of your weekend, and we look forward to seeing students bright and early on November 29th.
over 3 years ago, W. T. Chipman Middle School
Good afternoon Chipman Families, It is Ms. Wright with the highlights for the week of November 15th. Just a reminder that report cards are available via Home Access Center, if you do not have access, please call the main office and our staff will assist you with getting your username and password. Winter sports are officially beginning, a huge congratulations to those student athletes that have made their respective teams. The Fall Sports Banquet will be held November 15th at 6:30 pm in the Lake Forest High School Auditorium. We look forward to seeing our athletes and their families as we recognize the accomplishments of each team. Mask will be required for this event. Parent conferences will be held on November 22nd from 12:30 to 7:30pm via Zoom or phone please contact your child’s teacher to set up a conference. Also, there will be no school for students the week of November 22nd. Just a reminder please take a moment to join our school wide ClassDojo to stay connected and receive the latest news, information, and updates directions can be found on Chipman’s website. We hope that you enjoy the remainder of your weekend, and we look forward to seeing students bright and early on Monday morning.
over 3 years ago, W. T. Chipman Middle School
On November 22nd, WT Chipman will host Virtual Parent Conferences to accommodate our families from 12:30 p.m. to 7:30 p.m. Please contact your child's teacher if you would like a Virtual Parent Conference via Zoom or Phone. Remember, all report cards were released yesterday via HAC, Home Access Center. In addition to no school this Thursday, November 11th, the Lake Forest School District will be closed for students the week of Thanksgiving, starting November 22nd and lasting through the week. Students will return to school on November 29th from Thanksgiving Break.
over 3 years ago, W. T. Chipman Middle School
Good afternoon Chipman Families, It is Ms. Wright with the highlights for the week of November 8th. Monday, November 8th report cards will be available via Home Access Center, if you do not have access, please call the mail office and our staff will assist you with getting your username and password. Winter sports tryouts will begin on Monday all students wanting to participate must have a physical on file with Nurse Glanden no later than noon on November 8th and be academically eligible. This is an update our Fall Sports Banquet has been pushed back until November 15th and moved to the Lake Forest High School auditorium the start time is still 6:00pm. School will be closed on Thursday, November 11th for Veteran’s Day, we at Chipman thank all the veterans for their service. Just a reminder please take a moment to join our school wide ClassDojo to stay connected and receive the latest news, information, and updates directions can be found on Chipman’s website. We hope that you enjoy the remainder of your weekend, and we look forward to seeing students bright and early on Monday morning.
over 3 years ago, W. T. Chipman Middle School
ATTENTION: All NJHS Members, new and old, our next meeting is moved from 11/9 to 11/16. It will be held via zoom. Please refer to the schedule below, Remind, and the Schoology Group for more information. Thank you for your flexibility!
over 3 years ago, W. T. Chipman Middle School
Good Afternoon Chipman Families, It’s Ms. Wright calling with some important sports information for Chipman students. The Winter sports season starts Monday, November 8th. This includes the following sports Boys and Girls Basketball, wrestling, and winter cheer. An athlete trying out must have a physical on file with Nurse Glanden before he or she is eligible to try-out. Students will also need to eligible based off first marking period report cards. On Tuesday, November 9th at 6pm will we be hosting our Fall Sports Banquet. All W.T. Chipman Fall Athletes and their families are invited to attend the program which will take place in the W.T. Chipman Cafeteria. We will only be allowing each athlete to bring two parents to this event and no siblings. Thank you and have a great night.
over 3 years ago, W. T. Chipman Middle School
It is Ms. Wright with the highlights for the week of November 1st. We have officially completed the first marking period of the school year. There is no school for students Monday, November 1st as staff will have a professional development day. Fall sports teams are wrapping up successful seasons this week please continue to support our student-athletes. Winter sports tryouts will be starting next week all students wanting to participate must have a physical on file with Nurse Glanden and be academically eligible. This week will be a busy one for our eighth-grade students on Thursday, November 4th they will take the PSAT 8 assessment information was sent home for your review. Students are encouraged to use the link to preview the Student Digital Test Experience to prepare for the upcoming PSAT 8. Please make sure your child gets adequate rest the night before and brings their fully charged computer and charger to school with them the morning of November 4th. Eighth grade students will also be visiting Lake Forest High School on November 3rd or November 5th. A letter providing information was sent home with students. Lastly, we are asking all students to bring in headphones to use during our MTSS time that begins this week. Just a reminder please take a moment to join our school wide ClassDojo to stay connected and receive the latest news, information, and updates directions can be found on Chipman’s website. We hope that you enjoy the remainder of your weekend, and we look forward to seeing students bright and early on Tuesday morning.
over 3 years ago, W. T. Chipman Middle School
There are some exciting things happening at the CHIP for our students. • Our Sports teams are having Successful Fall Seasons • The School Store Opened Back up for Students to use their Spartan Bucks this week • Open Gym is starting next week during lunch to help alleviate numbers in café • Outdoor Center lunch continues to be a big hit for our kids • Spartan Bucks are a hot commodity in our school • An Awesome NJHS Induction took place – Thanks Glacken • Our Big Screen and U were put back in place for school store • The Gamers Lounge Madden Challenge is popular for kids during lunch • Safety Patrol starts Next Week • And Is there anything more exciting and popular at Chipman right now then the Chipman Live show with G and Robinson!! Bottom Line, there is a lot to look forward to at Chipman for staff and students! #ChangingtheCulture
over 3 years ago, W. T. Chipman Middle School
Good afternoon Chipman Families, It is Ms. Wright with the highlights for the week of October 25th. We will be having make-up picture day on Wednesday, October 27th. The end of the first marking period will be Friday, October 29th. Fall sports teams are in action this week and wrapping up successful seasons please come out and continue to support our student-athletes. Winter sports tryouts will be starting in November all students wanting to participate must have a physical on file and be academically eligible. Eighth grade families the district would like you to complete a brief survey to gauge the interest your student may have in an JROTC (Junior Reserve Officer Training Corps) or NDCC (National Defense Cadet Corps) program. Just a reminder please take a moment to join our school wide ClassDojo to stay connected and receive the latest news, information, and updates directions can be found on Chipman’s website. We hope that you enjoy the remainder of your weekend, and we look forward to seeing students bright and early on Monday morning. Eighth Grade JROTC/NDCC Interest Survey:
over 3 years ago, W. T. Chipman Middle School
Good Afternoon Chipman Families, It is Ms. Wright with the highlights for the week of October 18th. Our PTSO Charleston Wrap fundraiser will be ending on tomorrow October 18th, however, we will get credit for all items purchased through December 3rd so it’s not too late to place an order to support our PTSO. There will be no open gym this week after school and just a reminder winter sports tryouts will be starting in November all students wanting to participate must have a physical on file and be academically eligible. All Fall sports teams are in action this week please come out and support our student-athletes. On Tuesday October 19th at 6:00pm National Junior Honor Society will have their induction ceremony. Just a reminder please take a moment to join our school wide ClassDojo to stay connected and receive the latest news, information, and updates directions can be found on Chipman’s website. We hope that you enjoy the remainder of your weekend, and we look forward to seeing students bright and early on Monday morning.
over 3 years ago, W. T. Chipman Middle School
Good afternoon Chipman Families, It is Ms. Wright with the highlights for the week of October 11th. All Fall sports teams are in action this week please come out and support our student-athletes. I Love Lake Forest Day will be Saturday, October 16th from 10:00am until 2:00pm at Lake Forest High School. Just a reminder please take a moment to join our school wide ClassDojo to stay connected and receive the latest news, information, and updates. We hope that you enjoy the remainder of your weekend, and we look forward to seeing students bright and early on Monday morning.
over 3 years ago, W. T. Chipman Middle School
Picture RETAKE day is Wednesday, October 27th.
over 3 years ago, W. T. Chipman Middle School