Good afternoon Chipman families! Your student's class schedules is tentatively scheduled for September 1st. You may access them through home access center.
over 2 years ago, W. T. Chipman Middle School
Good afternoon Chipman Families, It is Ms. Wright with an important message regarding Fall Sports and physical turn-in night. Physical turn-in night will August 23rd from 5:30 -7:00 in the WT Chipman Gymnasium. This is an opportunity to get physicals turned in to Nurse Glanden before the school year starts. Any student participating in a sport may turn them in during this time. Also, if you are interested in trying out for a fall sport coaches and information will be available during this time. Thank you.
over 2 years ago, W. T. Chipman Middle School
Good afternoon Chipman Families, It is Ms. Wright with the highlights for the week of June 6th. We have made it to the end of the year, and we have another busy week here at Chipman. On Monday, June 6th we will have our sixth and seventh grade awards at 7:45 and 9:00am in the Chipman gym. On Tuesday we will have our eighth-grade awards at 8:00am in the gym. Wednesday, June 8th will be a half-day and is the last day of school for students’ dismissal will be at 10:30am. If students were absent on Friday when we collected laptops, please have them bring their device and charger to turn in this week prior to Wednesday. If your student received paperwork to participate in the At-Bat program this summer please make sure all forms are returned prior to Wednesday, June 8th. Nurse Glanden would like to remind all families that any student with medication in the health office must have their medication picked up by Friday, June 10th at noon. Any medication remaining after this time will be properly disposed of. Just a friendly reminder if your child is not feeling well or awaiting COVID test results, please err on the side of caution and keep them home. We hope that you enjoy the remainder of your weekend and look for forward to seeing students on Monday morning.
almost 3 years ago, W. T. Chipman Middle School
Good afternoon Chipman Families, It is Ms. Wright with the highlights for the week of May 30th. We have another busy week here at Chipman. There will be no school for students or staff on Monday, May 30th in observance of Memorial Day. On Friday, June 3rd we will be collecting laptops from students will ask that all students bring their device and charger to turn in. Nurse Glanden would like to remind all families that any student with medication in the health office must have their medication picked up by Friday, June 10th at noon. Any medication remaining after this time will be properly disposed of. Just a friendly reminder if your child is not feeling well or awaiting COVID test results, please err on the side of caution and keep them home. We hope that you enjoy the remainder of your weekend and look for forward to seeing students on Tuesday morning.
almost 3 years ago, W. T. Chipman Middle School
Good afternoon Chipman Families, It is Ms. Wright with the highlights for the week of May 23rd. We have another busy week here at Chipman. On Monday, May 23rd at 6:00pm Chipman will host the Spring Sports Recognition and Awards Night in the Chipman Cafeteria. On Wednesday, May 25th we will be hosting our FFA Celebration. On Friday we will be having our Afterschool Luau from 2:45-5:00pm. Nurse Glanden would like to remind all families that any student with medication in the health office must have their medication picked up by Friday, June 10th at noon. Any medication remaining after this time will be properly disposed of. Just a friendly reminder if your child is not feeling well or awaiting COVID test results, please err on the side of caution and keep them home. We hope that you enjoy the remainder of your weekend and look for forward to seeing students on Monday morning.
almost 3 years ago, W. T. Chipman Middle School
Good afternoon Chipman Families, It is Ms. Wright with the highlights for the week of May 16th. We have a busy week here at Chipman. On Wednesday, May 18th we will be hosting our On Deck Day and on Thursday, May 19th we will be having our Spring Concert at Lake Forest High School at 6:00pm. On May 23rd at 6:00pm Chipman will host the Spring Sports Recognition and Awards Night. The event will be in the Chipman Cafeteria. As we resume testing, please listen to the following information which comes directly from DOE. Schools must clearly inform students that using or bringing an electronic device into the testing area violates school and state policy. Violation of this policy is grounds for confiscation and a search of the device. The following procedures must be implemented when test materials are distributed: 1. Electronic devices must be turned completely off. They may not be on “silent” or “vibrate” modes. 2. Electronic devices may not be in a student’s possession, including in pockets or otherwise stored in clothing, or in the immediate proximity, such as underneath the desk. 3. Electronic devices must be stored in a secure location away from students. We will continue testing this week with make-ups. Good luck to everyone. Just a friendly reminder if your child is not feeling well or awaiting COVID test results, please err on the side of caution and keep them home. We hope that you enjoy the remainder of your weekend and look for forward to seeing students on Monday morning.
almost 3 years ago, W. T. Chipman Middle School
Good afternoon Chipman Families, It is Ms. Wright with the highlights for the week of May 9th. We take a moment to say Happy Mother’s Day to all the mother and mother figures helping support the students at Chipman. All Spring sports will be wrapping up their respective seasons this week. On May 23rd at 6:00pm Chipman will host the Spring Sports Recognition and Awards Night. The event will be in the Chipman Cafeteria. The eighth grade Sensational Spring Spectacular Dance will be this Friday, May 13th, students can purchase tickets in the main office. As we resume testing, please listen to the following information which comes directly from DOE. Schools must clearly inform students that using or bringing an electronic device into the testing area violates school and state policy. Violation of this policy is grounds for confiscation and a search of the device. The following procedures must be implemented when test materials are distributed: 1. Electronic devices must be turned completely off. They may not be on “silent” or “vibrate” modes. 2. Electronic devices may not be in a student’s possession, including in pockets or otherwise stored in clothing, or in the immediate proximity, such as underneath the desk. 3. Electronic devices must be stored in a secure location away from students. We will continue testing this week with Math. Good luck to everyone. Just a friendly reminder if your child is not feeling well or awaiting COVID test results, please err on the side of caution and keep them home. We hope that you enjoy the remainder of your weekend and look for forward to seeing students on Monday morning.
almost 3 years ago, W. T. Chipman Middle School
Good afternoon Chipman Families, It is Ms. Wright with the highlights for the week of May 2nd. This week we take a moment to say Happy Teacher Appreciation Week to all our teachers and say thank you to all the teachers and staff that make what we do possible. All Spring sports will be in action this week. The District’s Parent Advisory Committee will be holding a forum on May 5th at 6:00pm via Zoom to meet the candidates running for the open seat on the school board. As we resume testing, please listen to the following information which comes directly from DOE. Schools must clearly inform students that using or bringing an electronic device into the testing area violates school and state policy. Violation of this policy is grounds for confiscation and a search of the device. The following procedures must be implemented when test materials are distributed: 1. Electronic devices must be turned completely off. They may not be on “silent” or “vibrate” modes. 2. Electronic devices may not be in a student’s possession, including in pockets or otherwise stored in clothing, or in the immediate proximity, such as underneath the desk. 3. Electronic devices must be stored in a secure location away from students. We will continue testing this week with Sixth and Eighth Grade ELA. Good luck to everyone. Just a friendly reminder if your child is not feeling well or awaiting COVID test results, please err on the side of caution and keep them home. We hope that you enjoy the remainder of your weekend and look for forward to seeing students on Monday morning.
almost 3 years ago, W. T. Chipman Middle School
Good afternoon Chipman Families, It is Ms. Wright with the highlights for the week of April 25th. We welcome everyone back and hope that everyone had a safe and restful Spring Break. All Spring sports will be in action this week. We will resume state testing next week. The District’s Parent Advisory Committee will be holding a forum on May 5th at 6:00pm to meet the candidates running for the school board via Zoom. Just a friendly reminder if your child is not feeling well or awaiting COVID test results, please err on the side of caution and keep them home. We hope that you enjoy the remainder of your weekend and look for forward to seeing students on Monday morning.
almost 3 years ago, W. T. Chipman Middle School
Good afternoon Chipman Families, It is Ms. Wright with the highlights for the week of April 11th. We only have school four days this week and there will be no school on Friday, April 15th as we begin Spring Break. All Spring sports will be in action this week. In preparation for all testing, please listen to the following information which comes directly from DOE. Schools must clearly inform students that using or bringing an electronic device into the testing area violates school and state policy. Violation of this policy is grounds for confiscation and a search of the device. The following procedures must be implemented when test materials are distributed: 1. Electronic devices must be turned completely off. They may not be on “silent” or “vibrate” modes. 2. Electronic devices may not be in a student’s possession, including in pockets or otherwise stored in clothing, or in the immediate proximity, such as underneath the desk. 3. Electronic devices must be stored in a secure location away from students. We will continue testing this week with 8th Grade Science. Good luck to everyone. The District’s Parent Advisory Committee will be holding a forum on May 5th at 6:00pm to meet the candidates running the school board via Zoom. Just a friendly reminder if your child is not feeling well or awaiting COVID test results, please err on the side of caution and keep them home. We hope that you enjoy the remainder of your weekend and look for forward to seeing students on Monday morning.
almost 3 years ago, W. T. Chipman Middle School
Good afternoon Chipman Families, It is Ms. Wright with the highlights for the week of April 4th. Just a friendly reminder third marking period report cards are now available via Home Access Center. Spring Pictures will be on Wednesday April 6th. We will have an ice cream social on Friday, April 8th for students that have achieved honor roll during the first three marking periods. All Spring sports will be in action this week. In preparation for all testing, please listen to the following information which comes directly from DOE. Schools must clearly inform students that using or bringing an electronic device into the testing area violates school and state policy. Violation of this policy is grounds for confiscation and a search of the device. The following procedures must be implemented when test materials are distributed: 1. Electronic devices must be turned completely off. They may not be on “silent” or “vibrate” modes. 2. Electronic devices may not be in a student’s possession, including in pockets or otherwise stored in clothing, or in the immediate proximity, such as underneath the desk. 3. Electronic devices must be stored in a secure location away from students. We will begin testing this week with 7th Grade Social Studies. Good luck to everyone. Just a friendly reminder if your child is not feeling well or awaiting COVID test results, please err on the side of caution and keep them home. We hope that you enjoy the remainder of your weekend and look for forward to seeing students on Monday morning.
almost 3 years ago, W. T. Chipman Middle School
Good afternoon Chipman Families, It is Ms. Wright with the highlights for the week of March 28th. We will officially begin the fourth marking period Monday, March 28th. Seventh grade students will need to report to their third marking period A-day exploratory class to receive their new schedule. Sixth and eighth grade students will need to report to the Science or Social Studies teacher opposite from who you had last marking period. The PTSO will kick off their virtual Double Good Popcorn fundraiser this week and it will run four days. Information on how to sign up will posted in a separate message. Spring sports including baseball, softball, and soccer will be in action this week. Just a friendly reminder if your child is not feeling well or awaiting COVID test results, please err on the side of caution and keep them home. We hope that you enjoy the remainder of your weekend and look for forward to seeing students on Monday morning.
almost 3 years ago, W. T. Chipman Middle School
Due to the numerous spring events taking place and being respectful to all of those organizations, WT Chipman’s Awareness Night that was scheduled for this Wednesday evening will be postponed until a future suitable date. We will continue to keep our families as up-to-date as possible with events, information and activities.
almost 3 years ago, W. T. Chipman Middle School
Good afternoon Chipman Families, It is Ms. Wright with the highlights for the week of March 21st. Chipman will be hosting a Parent Awareness Night on Wednesday, March 23rd at 6:00pm in the cafeteria. Chipman Spring Sports kick off their respective seasons with baseball, softball, and track and field teams in action this week. The end of the third marking period is Thursday, March 24th please be sure to check that your student is up to date on all assignments prior to the of marking period. There will be no school for students on Friday, March 25th for a staff PD Day. Just a friendly reminder if your child is not feeling well or awaiting COVID test results, please err on the side of caution and keep them home. We hope that you enjoy the remainder of your weekend and look for forward to seeing students on Monday morning.
almost 3 years ago, W. T. Chipman Middle School
Good Afternoon Chipman Families, It is Ms. Wright with the highlights for the week of March 14th. The last day to nominate a Chipman Teacher for Teacher of the Year is Tuesday, March 15th the nomination form can be found on the district website. We are rapidly approaching the end of the third marking period please be sure to check that your student is up to date on all assignments for the marking period. Chipman will be hosting a Parent Awareness Night on March 23rd at 6:00pm in the cafeteria. Just a friendly reminder if your child is not feeling well or awaiting COVID test results, please err on the side of caution and keep them home. We hope that you enjoy the remainder of your weekend and look for forward to seeing students bright and early on Monday morning.
almost 3 years ago, W. T. Chipman Middle School
Good Afternoon Chipman Families, It is Ms. Wright with the highlights for the week of March 7th. There will be no school for students tomorrow Monday, March 7th as the district will have Professional Development for Staff. All W.T. Chipman Winter Athletes and their families are invited to attend the Winter Sports Banquet which will take place on Tuesday, March 8th at 6:00 pm in the Chipman Cafeteria. Each coach will recognize their athletes and present their MIP, MVP, and Heart and Hustle award for his or her respective team. W.T. Chipman will be hosting a Parent Awareness Night on March 23rd at 6:00pm please be on the lookout for more information pertaining to this event. Just a friendly reminder if your child is not feeling well or awaiting COVID test results, please err on the side of caution and keep them home. We hope that you enjoy the remainder of your weekend and look for forward to seeing students bright and early on Tuesday morning.
almost 3 years ago, W. T. Chipman Middle School
Good Afternoon Chipman Families, It is Ms. Wright with the highlights for the week of February 21st.School will be closed on Monday, February 21st in observance of Presidents’ Day. As we approach the start of Spring Sports just a friendly reminder that all students who would like to try out should have submitted their physical to Nurse Glanden. Tryouts will be held starting the week of February 28th. All W.T. Chipman Winter Athletes and their families are invited to attend the Winter Sports Banquet which will take place on March 8th at 6:00 in the Chipman Cafeteria. Each coach will recognize their athletes and present their MIP, MVP, and Heart and Hustle award for his or her respective team. Just a friendly reminder if your child is not feeling well or awaiting COVID test results, please err on the side of caution and keep them home. We hope that you enjoy the remainder of your weekend and look for forward to seeing students bright and early on Tuesday morning.
about 3 years ago, W. T. Chipman Middle School
Good Afternoon Chipman Families, It is Ms. Wright with the highlights for the week of February 14th. On Tuesday and Wednesday of this week, from 4:00 to 7:00pm in the LFHS library, counselors will hold scheduling nights for the class of 2026. This is an opportunity for current 8th grade students of WTC to work with a high school counselor and create their 9th grade schedule. All students who attend LFHS in 9th grade are required to participate in the scheduling process. Attending one of the two scheduling nights gives families an opportunity to participate in the course selection process. Students who do not attend a scheduling opportunity will be assigned their 9th grade coursework. As we approach the start of Spring Sports just a friendly reminder that all students who would like to try out must have an up to date physical on file with the Nurse Glanden no later than February 18th. Interims for the third marking period will be available via Home Access Center on Friday, February 18th. Just a friendly reminder if your child is not feeling well or awaiting COVID test results, please err on the side of caution and keep them home. We hope that you enjoy the remainder of your weekend and look for forward to seeing students bright and early on Monday morning.
about 3 years ago, W. T. Chipman Middle School
Good Afternoon Chipman Families, It is Ms. Wright with the highlights for the week of February 7th. There will be no school for students on Monday, February 7th as we will have professional development and parent/teacher conferences. As we approach the start of Spring Sports just a friendly reminder that all students who would like to try out must have an up to date physical on file with the Nurse Glanden no later than February 18th. Just a friendly reminder if your child is not feeling well or awaiting COVID test results, please err on the side of caution and keep them home. We hope that you enjoy the remainder of your weekend and look for forward to seeing students bright and early on Tuesday morning.
about 3 years ago, W. T. Chipman Middle School
Good Afternoon Chipman Families, It is Ms. Wright with the highlights for the week of January 31st. Tomorrow, Monday January 31st there will be no school for students. Winter Sports will be wrapping up their respective seasons this week. As we approach the start of Spring Sports just a friendly reminder that all students who would like to try out must have an up to date physical on file with the Nurse Glanden. Just a friendly reminder if your child is not feeling well or awaiting COVID test results, please err on the side of caution and keep them home. We hope that you enjoy the remainder of your weekend and look for forward to seeing students bright and early on Tuesday morning.
about 3 years ago, W. T. Chipman Middle School