Lake Forest School District announces our Board of Education positions and meeting dates for the 2024-2025 school year. Board President, Mr. Earle Dempsey - South Elementary School Liaison Board Vice President, Mrs. Sarah Starkey - Lake Forest High School & DECC Liaison Mr. James E. Rau - North Elementary School Liaison Mrs. Jordan McCloskey - W.T. Chipman Middle School Liaison Dr. Betty A. Wyatt - Central Elementary School & East Elementary School Liaison #SpartanForLife #YourBestChoice
8 months ago, Lake Forest School District
ED and SS
Board Meeting Dates 2024-25
211 Spartans completed 730 HOURS of LEARNING in the fourth week of the Spartan Summer Success Academy! Congratulations to all of the students that won the raffle for week 4! Great work! Winners and pick up instructions are included in this post. #SpartanSummerSuccessAcademy #SpartansWin #SpartansLearn
8 months ago, Danyel Burgett
222 Spartans completed 692 HOURS of LEARNING in the third week of the Spartan Summer Success Academy! Congratulations to all of the students that won the raffle for week 3! Keep up the great work! Winners and pick up instructions are included in this post. #SpartanSummerSuccessAcademy #SpartansWin #SpartansLearn
8 months ago, Danyel Burgett
244 Spartans completed 824 HOURS of LEARNING in the second week of the Spartan Summer Success Academy! Congratulations to all of the students that won the raffle for week 2! Keep up the great work! Winners and pick up instructions are included in this post. #SpartanSummerSuccessAcademy #SpartansWin #SpartansLearn
8 months ago, Danyel Burgett
Spartans completed 733 HOURS of LEARNING in the first week of the Spartan Summer Success Academy! Congratulations to all of the students that won the raffle for week 1!! Keep up the great work! Winners and pick up instructions are included in this post. #SpartanSummerSuccessAcademy #SpartansWin #SpartansLearn
8 months ago, Danyel Burgett
SSSA wk 1
SSSA wk 1
SSSA Wk 1 Winners
Please join us at the following locations to participate in the LFSD Summer Food Service program. Please note the dates and times that each location is open and check in at the front office when you arrive. Have a great summer!
9 months ago, Lake Forest School District
summer feeding program
Spartan Summer Success Academy starts TODAY! Don't forget to login throughout the week to work towards meeting your goals in Sora, Dreambox (K-8), Khan (9-12) and/or DuoLingo (9-12). This week's raffle winners will win a $10 gift card to Chick-Fil-A! If you need additional support, please click on the link below and one of our team members will contact you. Happy learning, Spartans!
9 months ago, Danyel Burgett
Spartan Summer Success Academy Starts today!
Follow the link to hear Dr. Lucas interview Constables Fournier and Michelau on the seasons final LF Spartan podcast. Take care everyone and have a safe and enjoyable summer!
9 months ago, Lake Forest School District
Please follow the link for an update from your superintendent. Thank you and have a great summer!
9 months ago, Lake Forest School District
Follow this link for an important end of the year message from your Superintendent. Thank you and have a great summer!
9 months ago, Lake Forest School District
Good afternoon Chipman families! Please click on the link to view the WTC Weekly
9 months ago, Dion Miller
Lake Forest High School announces their sports season ticket information for the 2024-25 school year. Events in the James H. Blades Stadium and LFHS Gymnasium are $5 for adults and $3 for students. Sportsmanship Passes are available now, $40 for adults and $30 for students, and may be purchased through the Athletic Office at LFHS. Sportsmanship Passes can be used for any LFHS home event for the entire 2024-25 school year, excluding KSB Track Invitational, Spartan Dual Wrestling Tournament, Henlopen Conference title games, and DIAA playoffs. Hope to see you cheering on our Spartans!
9 months ago, Lake Forest School District
LFHS Athletic Season Prices
Good afternoon Chipman families! You can read the WTC Weekly for this week here:
9 months ago, Dion Miller
"All gave some, some gave all" Remember our veteran's who sacrificed today. Have a wonderful day!
9 months ago, Lake Forest School District
Memorial Day
Good afternoon Chipman families! Please click the link to view this week's WTC Weekly:
10 months ago, Dion Miller
Lake Forest High School's Financial Services Passion Pitch is organizing a District-wide food drive and will be participating in Food Bank of Delaware's CANgineering competition. CANgineering is a food drive structure building competition. It is a creative way to collect donations to benefit food-insecure Delawareans, while encouraging spirited competition amongst local organizations and schools. Food Bank boxes will be at each school for students to bring in non-perishable food items from Monday, May 13th through Friday, May 24th. Stay tuned for more news on this project!
10 months ago, Lake Forest School District
Good afternoon Chipman families! Click the link to view this week's WTC Weekly:
10 months ago, Dion Miller
Hear to what our Seniors have to say on this months LF Spartan podcast! Follow this link to listen:
10 months ago, Lake Forest School District
Lake Forest Odyssey of the Mind is having a Quarter Auction on Friday, May 10th at Lake Forest Central Elementary School. Doors open at 5pm and the Auction begins at 6pm. We hope you will join us to help the Lake Forest OM teams travel to Michigan to compete in World Finals.
10 months ago, Lake Forest School District
OM Quarter Auction
Food Bank of Delaware is hosting a Drive-Thru Food Pantry this Saturday, May 11, at Lake Forest Central Elementary School. The event begins at 11AM. See flyer for additional information.
10 months ago, Lake Forest School District