
Calendar Updates/Reminders:

Dec 12-16 - Holiday Shop

In preparation for our holiday shop, be aware that most items for sale fall within the $3-$12 range. We are all set up and ready to begin tomorrow. 

Dec 13, 15, and 22 - The Greater Harrington Historical Society is hosting Santa at the Caboose on Hanley Street in Harrington from 6:30 – 8:00pm.  Children of all ages are invited to attend.

Dec 14 - Interim Reports (HAC)

Dec 16 - LFCE to visit LFHS Winter Jazz Band Performance @ 1:15pm

Dec 20 - LFCE Winter Band and Chorus Concert @ LFHS 6pm (5th Gr Band Only)

Dec 23-Jan 2 - No School - Winter Break 

Just a friendly reminder if your child is not feeling well or awaiting COVID test results, please err on the side of caution and keep them home. Please make the Lake Forest Central website and Facebook page a regular stop for up to date info and news. As always stay safe and have a great week Central!