
The Central Elementary Winter concert will be held on Tuesday, December 20, at 6:00 p.m. at the Lake Forest High School Auditorium.

The dress for the concert is a white, blue, or a colorful dress shirt with a collar. Pants can be blue, black, brown, or tan (NO BLUE JEANS). Dress shoes (NO SNEAKERS). Girls can wear a dress of any color or colors as long as it abides by the school dress code.

The fifth grade band should report to the stage by 6:40, with their music and instruments, so we can get seated and tuned up for their portion of the concert which will begin approximately at 6:50 p.m. after the chorus portion of the concert.

If a student is unable to attend the concert the parent /guardian should send a note, call, or e mail me to inform me of the student’s absence.

If there are any questions I can be reached at  or by phone 302-284-5810, ext. 359