
Calendar Updates/Reminders:

Oct 31 - LFHS Haunted Hallways @ 5-7pm 

Oct 31 - Students may dress as a favorite book character or wear a seasonal costume. Costumes must be appropriate and in good taste. 

  • No Masks or heavy make-up

  • Costumes may not be violent, inappropriate or offensive in any way

  • No pretend or prop weapons will be permitted 

  • Costumes should not interfere with learning

Nov 2 - LF Odyssey of the Mind Parent/Student Information Night

The Lake Forest Odyssey of the Mind will hold its Information and Sign-Up Night on Wednesday, Nov. 2 beginning at 6pm in the LFHS auditorium.  This creative problem solving competition is open to all students in grades K-12.  Adult volunteers are also needed for coaching teams and judging the March competition.  

Nov 2 - End of Marking Period 1

Nov 7 - No School – Staff Development 

Nov 8 - No School – Election Day 

Nov 10 - MP1 Report Cards (available on Home Access Center)

Nov 11 - No School – Veterans Day

Just a friendly reminder if your child is not feeling well or awaiting COVID test results, please err on the side of caution and keep them home. Please make the Lake Forest Central website and Facebook page a regular stop for up to date info and news. As always stay safe and have a great week Central!