Weekly Update from Mr. Sheehan

Week One is in the books! Thank you everyone for all of your patience and grace as we continue to work to develop sound routines at the beginning of the school year.

Calendar Updates/Reminders:

Sept 12 - Grandparents Breakfast - 7:45am-8:15am (parking in rear of school)

Sept 13 - No School for Students - Staff Professional Development 

Sept 14 - Open House @ 6:00pm (parking in rear of school)

Open House will provide an opportunity for parents/guardians to meet their student’s teachers, learn about classroom expectations and content information for the 2022/2023 school year. 

Band Sign-Up Information - Click this Link for Information 

Dismissal Reminders - 

  • Please send a note to school with your child if they will be having an early dismissal. If someone other than a parent or legal guardian is going to be picking up your child, please let the office know in that note. Anyone coming to pick a child up will be asked to present a photo ID.

  • Do not send teachers Remind or Classdojo messages about changes to transportation. Teachers do not always get to check their messages during class time. All transportation changes must go through the main office. You can send a handwritten note or give the office a call at 284-5810. 

Daily Car Rider Students - Students that are picked up as car riders daily will need to have a pickup pass. Please use the link or QR Code to sign up for a pass if you have not already. Starting Wednesday, if your child does not have a pickup pass, you will be asked to park in the front lot and come into the building to sign your child out. 

Pick-up Pass Registration Form