
We are excited to offer you a Summer Reading Bingo Challenge! Letter Attached you will find a Bingo Board filled with a range of reading and writing activities. 

Grade 4 Bingo Board

Grade 5 Bingo Board

Grade 4 Spanish

Grade 5 Spanish

This summer, as you spend time with friends and family, travel, or relax at home, dive into a good book and let your creativity shine. As you master the different challenges on the Bingo board, strive to complete five in a row, or fill the entire board! Upon returning to Central in the fall, you will have the chance to earn a Barnes and Noble gift basket by following these simple steps below:

1. Complete 5 Bingo challenges in a row, or fill up the entire Bingo board! You may use a marker, highlighter, or parent signature to check off each challenge.

2. For every challenge that you complete, attach the work required as evidence of completion. Your challenge will not be counted if evidence is not attached. You may staple or paperclip the work to the Bingo board.

3. When you return to school in the fall, return your Bingo board and attached assignments to Mrs. Zehr. Make sure that your first and last name are written on your board! All submissions are due by Friday, September 9th.

4. The winner of the Barnes and Noble gift basket will be announced Monday, September 12th.

Lake Forest Central Elementary is excited for you to boost your literacy skills this summer as you complete the reading and writing Bingo challenge! I am looking forward to viewing your activities and announcing the Summer Reading Winner on Sept. 12th! 

There are some copies in our Central office if you're not able to print.