
Your Lake Forest Odyssey of the Mind World Finalists have returned from our 5 day trip to Iowa State University.  They had a great time living on campus, competing and socializing with kids from around the country as well as from Poland, South Korea and Switzerland.  Here's how the competition turned out number wise.

Our High School Vehicle team competed against 28 teams.  It placed 11th in Long Term for their solution to the problem and presentation of it.  They scored 4th place in Style for the "artistic quality" of their solution.  In spontaneous, they were the very last of the 600+ teams to compete.  I guess their tank was a little empty because that score dropped them to 16th place overall.  They were definitely disappointed because they were looking for a Top 10 finish at that point.  The great news is that they're already talking about next year!!

Our two Middle School Performance teams competed in the same problem against 55 other teams.  They scored the same as each other in Spontaneous placing 10th which pulled up their long term and style scores to the top ½ of the competition. Team Hansen/Salerno finished in 18th place and Team Boyer in 21st, again in a big field of competition.  And again, everyone who will be at Lake Forest next year is already talking about the new OM season!!