
We have been working hard to find a more inclusive date for our spring band concert. The recent date change has proven considerably problematic for a number of band members. At this time, we will be making a final date adjustment. The 4th and 5th Grade Spring Chorus and Band Concerts will be held at LFHS on Tuesday, May 24th.  

 ·         Central Chorus will perform at 6pm

·         Central 4th Grade Band please report quietly to the auditorium with your instrument @ 6:30pm.  If the chorus is still performing please enter the auditorium quietly and remain seated until Mr. Baione calls 4th grade band up to the stage area.

·         Central 5th Grade Band please report quietly to the auditorium with your instrument @ 7:10pm.  If the 4th grade band  is still performing please enter the auditorium quietly and remain seated until Mr. Baione calls 5th grade band up to the stage area.

·         Dress for the concert remains the same for 4th and 5th grade band.  Dark dress pants or khakis with a white dress shirt or polo shirt.  Girls may also wear a dress any color if they would like. 

I anticipate the band practice schedule leading up to the concert to be as follows, and will let you know of any changes needed as we further prepare.

·         Tuesday, May 17th, 2:30-3:20 (during school): 4th Grade Full Band Practice

·         Thursday, May 19th, 2:30-3:20 (during school): 5th Grade Full Band Practice

·         Friday, May 20th: 5th Grade Full Band Practice

·         Monday, May 23rd: 4th Grade Full Band Practice

·         Tuesday, May 24th: 4th or  5th Grade Full Band Practice (depending on which group will need a little more practice).

Thank you for your flexibility and understanding.