whats new

It's Homecoming time again!  Homecoming Spirit Week will begin on Monday, October 4th and continue through October 7th. The theme this year is “Lake Under the Stars.” Each day is based on lighting up your school.

Spirit Days include:

Monday: You Light Up Our Hallways (Neon Day)
Tuesday: Twinkle, Twinkle, Twin Day
Wednesday: You are ALL STARS (Dress as your favorite Famous Person)
Thursday: “My Future’s So Bright”, I’ve Gotta Wear Shades!” (Dress in School Colors)

Our Librarian Ms. Hudson is excited to share that LF Central’s Virtual Book Fair starts next Sunday, October 11th - October 24th. This is a virtual event and a link will be available on the school webpage for you to shop online. That link will not be available to use until Sunday, October 11th. You will find 1,000s of books with endless topics for all grade levels, school supplies, posters, and much much more. In your child’s Wednesday folder this coming week, you will find a book fair flyer and on the LF Central webpage you’ll find the flyer and links to check out featured books access shopping. Again the shopping link is not accessible until Sunday, October 11th. Please support your school library and encourage your reader by shopping at LF Central’s Online Book Fair from Sunday, October 11th through Sunday October 24th.

Calendar Updates:
MP1 Interim Grades will be available on Home Access Center Oct. 4th
No School for Students on Friday Oct. 8th
Virtual Book Fair runs Oct. 11th - Oct. 24th (link will be available on the LF Central Webpage)
Fall Picture Rescheduled Date is Nov. 4th

Parents/Guardians should send in a note anytime an early dismissal is required, all visitors to our school are required to wear a mask, and it continues to be important that students be kept home from school when they show signs of illness. In the case of a student absence lasting multiple days, please be sure to touch base with your student’s teachers to arrange the picking up  of class assignments. This will help them stay caught up while at home.