whats new

Fall Picture Day will be rescheduled for Thursday, November 4th - no group pictures will be taken.

Parents and Guardians are urged to check their ability to login to Home Access Center - Interim Reports are scheduled for Oct. 4th -- Home Access Center will house this grade release. Please contact Central's Front Office with any problems. 

Reminder - Parents/Guardians should send in a note anytime an early dismissal is required and all visitors to our school are required to wear a mask. 

Chromebooks - Any students with LF Central issued chromebooks are asked to return those and their chargers to school as soon as possible. Students can turn them into their homeroom teacher. We will be working through our inventory in the coming weeks and will be reaching out individually to anyone who may not have returned their chromebook.

As we continue to wade through the difficulties accompanying our community-wide health crisis, it is important to keep students home from school when they show signs of illness. In the case of an absence due to illness please reach out to our school nurse. She can advise you on steps moving forward for a return to school. Proactively contacting your child's doctor is a safe first step as this is often our recommendation.