Here is the LIVE STREAM LINK for tomorrow's event:

As of now the schedule is as follows:

12:20 Mrs. Dalgewicz & Mrs. Hancock

12:30 Mrs. Hastings (OT) & Ms. Cannon (PT)

12:40 Ms. Ramdat (Behavior Interventionist & Mrs. Hitchens)

12:50 Staff Members from North (Thompson & O'hflarity)

1:00  Staff Members from South ( Jester & Ball)

1:10  Staff Member from South & The District Office (Hicks & Allman)

One of our favorite parts of this event is that it is live streamed so students, and co-workers can support the team right from your classroom. If the timing doesn't work; the YouTube link will have a replay by Friday as well.  

Central- our team is grateful for all your support! We appreciate you enduring our pig kissing contests, our bake sales, and all you do to ensure that INCLUSION MATTERS! Although we raise $ for Special Olympics Delaware this event is about so much more than that; and we are thankful for our school community that recognizes and supports all students!! 💙