
Calendar Updates/Reminders:                         

6/6 - 5th Grade Moving Up Ceremony @ 9:30am LFHS Auditorium

6/8 - Last Student Day - ½ day - Dismissal @ 11:30am

All medication must be picked up from the school nurse prior to 3pm on June 8th. After that time, arrangements must be made with the nurse/office. Medication cannot be sent home with students.

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Please make the Lake Forest Central website and Facebook page a regular stop for up to date info and news. As always stay safe and have a great week Central!

Lead Educational Fact Sheet for Families and Staff

English:  https://publichealthalerts.delaware.gov/wp-content/blogs.dir/203/files/sites/203/2023/02/Factsheet-for-Parents-Lead-Screening-Schools_final.pdf 

Spanish: https://publichealthalerts.delaware.gov/wp-content/blogs.dir/203/files/sites/203/2023/02/Factsheet-for-Parents_spanish.pdf

Haitian Creole: https://publichealthalerts.delaware.gov/wp-content/blogs.dir/203/files/sites/203/2023/02/Factsheet-for-Parents_HC.pdf