
Calendar Updates/Reminders                         

5/29 - No School - Memorial Day

5/31 - Field Day

6/1 - LFHS Seniors Walk of Fame (est. time 11:50-12pm

6/6 - 5th Grade Moving Up Ceremony @ 9:30am LFHS Auditorium

6/8 - Last Student Day - ½ day

Field Day is Almost Here!!!!!

We are getting close to the end of the year and our field day is quickly approaching (May 31).  This day is almost always a very hot day! Students should dress comfortably for outdoor activities. Sneakers are required to participate in most activities and sunblock and a hat are highly recommended. Sunblock can be brought and applied by students throughout the day as needed. THANK YOU!!

KAMP Lenape Donation Drive - See link for list of items needed. Donation Flyer 

Please make the Lake Forest Central website and Facebook page a regular stop for up to date info and news. As always stay safe and have a great week Central!

Lead Educational Fact Sheet for Families and Staff

English:  https://publichealthalerts.delaware.gov/wp-content/blogs.dir/203/files/sites/203/2023/02/Factsheet-for-Parents-Lead-Screening-Schools_final.pdf 

Spanish: https://publichealthalerts.delaware.gov/wp-content/blogs.dir/203/files/sites/203/2023/02/Factsheet-for-Parents_spanish.pdf

Haitian Creole: https://publichealthalerts.delaware.gov/wp-content/blogs.dir/203/files/sites/203/2023/02/Factsheet-for-Parents_HC.pdf