
Happy Mother’s Day!

Calendar Updates/Reminders:

4/27-5/26 - End of the Year STAR Reading and Math Assessment Window                            

5/15 - Muffins for Mom @ 7:45 - 8:15am (flyers went home last week w/ rsvp due 5/10)

5/15 - Texas Roadhouse PTO Fundraiser

Muffins for Mom - Thank you to those who have rsvp’d and will be joining us for our Muffins for Mom event. Please park in the back parking lot and enter through the cafeteria doors. As this event begins prior to our bus arrival, please plan to bring your student with you when you arrive.

PBS Climate Survey Parent Version - feedback will be collected through mid-May this window has been extended.

Parent survey: https://deschoolclimate.mosaic-network.com/takeScreening/LakeForestCentralES_home

Just a friendly reminder if your child is not feeling well, please err on the side of caution and keep them home. Please make the Lake Forest Central website and Facebook page a regular stop for up to date info and news. As always stay safe and have a great week Central!

Lead Educational Fact Sheet for Families and Staff

English:  https://publichealthalerts.delaware.gov/wp-content/blogs.dir/203/files/sites/203/2023/02/Factsheet-for-Parents-Lead-Screening-Schools_final.pdf 

Spanish: https://publichealthalerts.delaware.gov/wp-content/blogs.dir/203/files/sites/203/2023/02/Factsheet-for-Parents_spanish.pdf

Haitian Creole: https://publichealthalerts.delaware.gov/wp-content/blogs.dir/203/files/sites/203/2023/02/Factsheet-for-Parents_HC.pdf