
Calendar Updates/Reminders

5/8-5/12 - Teacher Appreciation Week - We are excited to celebrate our LF Central Teachers!! Our teachers are the lifeblood of our school, so much of our success is hinged on their dedication and commitment!

5/8-5/12 - SBAC State Testing (9-11am daily)

4/27-5/26 - End of the Year STAR Reading and Math Assessment Window                            

5/15 - Muffins for Mom (flyers went home last week w/ rsvp due 5/10)

Student Drop Off begins at 8:20am Doors do not open until that time. Students should not exit vehicles until LF Central Staff signal the car rider line and give the all clear.

Spring Portraits- Families should have received an email from Legacy Studios stating their child’s Spring Portraits Now Available to view.  Please check your other or junk email folder – the email is from no-reply@imagequix.com.  You may view and order images directly from the email or you can visit their website and enter the portrait code that was sent home with your child on picture day.  If you can’t find the email and you don’t have the portrait code you can click HERE and enter your child’s Student ID number (same as their lunch number) and their Last Name and it will populate their new picture as well as their picture from the beginning of the school year.

PBS Climate Survey Parent Version - feedback will be collected through mid-May this window has been extended.

Parent survey: https://deschoolclimate.mosaic-network.com/takeScreening/LakeForestCentralES_home

Just a friendly reminder if your child is not feeling well, please err on the side of caution and keep them home. Please make the Lake Forest Central website and Facebook page a regular stop for up to date info and news. As always stay safe and have a great week Central!

Lead Educational Fact Sheet for Families and Staff

English:  https://publichealthalerts.delaware.gov/wp-content/blogs.dir/203/files/sites/203/2023/02/Factsheet-for-Parents-Lead-Screening-Schools_final.pdf 

Spanish: https://publichealthalerts.delaware.gov/wp-content/blogs.dir/203/files/sites/203/2023/02/Factsheet-for-Parents_spanish.pdf

Haitian Creole: https://publichealthalerts.delaware.gov/wp-content/blogs.dir/203/files/sites/203/2023/02/Factsheet-for-Parents_HC.pdf