Our nine teams have been working hard for the last several months to solve their multi-faceted problem creatively and fine-tune their solution, presentation, props, backdrops, and costumes, all with no Outside Assistance!!  Eight teams are hoping to place in the top 3 at the state level and advance to the international World Finals at Michigan State University in May.  Please wish our students luck when you see them or come on out to Lake Forest High School next Saturday to see them compete in person since our district is hosting state finals this year. Here is the schedule and list of teams for Lake Forest students competing in next Saturday's Delaware Odyssey of the Mind State Finals.    

Huge thanks to LF Staff Members Jennifer Moyer, Melony Boyer, Ali Durand, and Renee Cimo (along with several district parents) for volunteering to coach teams this year.  And a big thank you current and former personnel, Alexandra Hobbs, Earl Dempsey, Barb Jumper, Heather Beauchamp, Laura Gott, Dorian Klaus, Grace Gygrynuk, and Rachel Argo who are helping to judge the tournament.  A personal thank you to LFHS Custodians and Jennifer Montano's CNS crew who will be working the tournament, as well. Let's go Lake!