Lake Forest FFA Chapter

Established in 1930 the Lake Forest Agri-Science Department has over 400 students enrolled in agriculture education classes including Animal Science, Environmental Science, and Agriculture Mechanics. In addition to over 60 active FFA members.
Throughout the school year, and summer months, agriculture students and FFA members spend time learning hands on skills, the science behind it all, and how to solve real world problems. Students have the opportunity to then take what they have learned in the classroom, and apply it in a CDE (Career Development Event), or a competitions as our students like to call it, through the FFA. If our students are successful and win at the state level they then have the opportunity to compete possibly at the regional level in Springfield Massachusetts and or at the National level in Indianapolis Indiana. Here at Lake we compete in various CDE’s many of which are featured in the gallery below.

Thank You To Our Sponsors
The Lake Forest FFA members and advisors would like to thank all of our Blue and Gold sponsors of our 2018 Chapter Banquet. It could not have been a success without your constant support. Also thank you to all the family and community members that came out to support our members. We will see you all again at next years banquet April 16th 2019.