Home Visiting
You play a crucial role as your child's primary educator.
Certified Parent Educators and Home Visitors provide home visits on a weekly, biweekly, or monthly basis, offering engaging activities for you and your child to enjoy together. They deliver evidence-based parenting support covering routines, safety, nutrition, and more, along with information and resources for family wellbeing within the community.
Additionally, they conduct annual developmental screenings and provide guidance on school readiness, as well as education on social and emotional health for the entire family. This support extends from prenatal stages through kindergarten, funded by grants from the Departments of Education and Public Health.
Furthermore, financial coaching is available to all enrolled families through a collaboration with Stand By Me. We proudly collaborate with organizations such as Sussex County Health Coalition, University of Delaware, Connections, Seaford Library, Milford Parks and Recreation, and the Food Bank of Delaware.
Proudly partnering with Sussex County Health Coalition, University of Delaware, Connections, Seaford Library, Milford Parks and Recreation, and the Food Bank of Delaware.
Follow program events and information on Facebook by clicking the program title below:
New Directions Early Headstart
To enroll please contact us at the number below or complete the
Referral Form and return via fax or email.
Contact Information:
Christine Hoeflich-Olley
Program Manager
Email: Christine.hoeflicholley@lf.k12.de.us
Office: (302) 398-8945 x 120
Fax: (302) 398-8983