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Calendar Updates/Reminders:

Report Cards issued (HAC) - 1/24/22
Make sure your student is dressed appropriately for the weather each day. As long as the temperature is above 32 degrees, students will go out for recess. Make sure your student has a heavy coat for cold days.
If your student needs to leave an early dismissal, please send a handwritten note that morning. Teachers do not always get a chance to check their dojo or remind messages throughout the day, so a note in the morning is the best way to let them know about early dismissals.
Cars coming through the afternoon pick-up lane must have a pick up pass displayed. If you do not have a pass, you will have to come sign your child out from the office. The link to sign up for a pick up pass can be found here: https://forms.gle/ph9eyfSZucS463Tr8
Students will bring these devices to and from school daily as a precautionary measure. Please be sure to also bring the charging cord and make sure your device is charged for school each morning. Please help us by making sure that devices return to school charged daily.
Please make the Lake Forest Central website and Facebook page a regular stop for up to date info and news. As always stay safe and have a great week Central!